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Person to Person (P2P)

Three to four decades ago, the term “counselling service or ministry in India” was hardly heard of. However in recent times, there has been a great surge of need in this area. Urban migration, Stress due to Life in fast lane, Disruption in Family systems and Emotional erosion all these have played havoc in human beings, and hence, “Counselling”, has become a necessity. Person To Person [PtP], with its “dream” to see every Christian robbed of such an ‘abundant life’ regaining it as they learn to apply scripture to everyday life and relationships, is actively involved in training Counsellors. To see this happening PtP trains, Biblical Counsellors for the Church and Missions, Facilitate in opening and running Counselling Centers within the Church and as an ‘Out- reach’ ministry, Facilitate organizing Seminars on practical and relevant issues that are so crucial to one’s Spiritual Growth like Seminars on Christian Parenting, Seminar on Stress Management, Awareness on AIDS, Alcohol and Drug Abuse etc. PtP conducts 3 Levels of Accredited Biblical Counselling [ABC’s] of Accredited Course.

In the ABC 1st Level the following subjects are dealt with:

  • ☰ Biblical Basis for Counselling
  • ☰ Growth Groups - Orientation
  • ☰ Rejections, Forgiveness and Acceptance
  • ☰ Secular forms of Therapy & Counselling
  • ☰ Counselling and Healing
  • ☰ Personal Needs ‐ Personal Problems
  • ☰ Transactional Analysis
  • ☰ Ethics of a Christian Counsellor
  • ☰ Crisis Counselling
  • ☰ People and Problems
  • ☰ Salvation and Wholeness
  • ☰ Counselling Skills
  • ☰ Temperament Analysis
  • ☰ Christian Approaches to Counselling
  • ☰ Understanding Mood Disorders
  • ☰ Biblical View of God and People
  • ☰ A Model for Biblical Counselling
  • ☰ Discovering Spiritual Gifts
  • ☰ Appropriate Sources of Support
  • ☰ Guidelines for Assignments
  • ☰ Key Counsellor Attitudes
  • ☰ Appropriate use of Bible and Prayer in Counselling

Life Revision Seminar

The title is self-explanatory. All of us grow as years pass by, yet in some areas we become stagnant. God’s plan for our life is that it may be full and abundant, yet it remains reduced. But this is often not detected. If at all detected, we lament, we are unable to do anything about that. Initial enthusiasm of youth, slackens as we enter middle age. Then we question our values, life style, and pattern. As pressure, demands, duties increase, we want to change. Yet we are unable to cope up. A loss of interest and purpose creep in, life becomes a burden; a routine without meaning. For some the joy is lost. Others try to fill it with false comforters and more (pleasurable) activities. We ask ourselves, will it ever be possible to bring any meaningful change in life? Yes, there is hope. It is possible. It is possible with God, if we are willing to cooperate with His grace working in us. We hear “consider your ways”. We need to take unhurried time set apart for reviewing our lives. We need to study our own past life. What we are today is the collection of our past learning, experiences, and influences of others. When we were children we thought, understood, and behaved as children. When we became adults what happened?

Do we sense an intense need to learn new insights and new ways for bringing changes and to grow to maturity? This life revision seminar is a time set apart from all activities or our lives. We learn to be quiet and to have a meaningful and compassionate look at our own lives. The learning is from our own life experiences, which we share with other learners. We thus learn from one another. It is also a time to pay attention to our bodies. How to live with right relationship with our bodies. To recover the worth of our own bodies-the Temple of God. It is more than clothes, life is more than food. It is also a time for entering into the needs of our inner person. To come into the reality of growing intimacy of communion with our creator. This is the central part of our healing. We are invited to and commanded to enter into the rest prepared for us. We learn how to enter in. This seminar will become meaningful to the one who is earnest, open and willing.

Marriage Enrichment Seminar

Marriage Enrichment Seminar in Tamil has been conducted in MUT since 2013. This seminar primarily enables the couples to do the inventory of their present condition and struggles in their family life. Then, it guides them to understand their strengths and weaknesses, improve communication and to positively resolve their conflicts. In addition to that, they understand their roles in the family as a husband and wife, problems in intimacy and solutions, discipline in their spiritual lives. Moreover, the seminar teaches them to learn God’s part as well as their part, in handling money - about debt, saving and giving through videos and debates. It also enables them to view their children in the biblical perspective and the biblical way of rearing them up through various activities and case studies. Finally, it leads them to make a covenant to live together as long as God keeps them alive on this earth. It is useful for both normal couples and problematic couples to lead a better understanding family life. On the whole the method of teaching, power points, stories, videos, activities, debates, discussions and movies used in the seminar enable them to understand the biblical concepts well and lives are transformed by the Spirit of the Lord and the Word. The topics covered in the seminar are the following:

  • ☰ Plan and Purpose of Marriage
  • ☰ Communication and Conflict Resolution
  • ☰ Responsibilities of Husband and Wife
  • ☰ Five Love Languages
  • ☰ Temperaments
  • ☰ Male Female Differences
  • ☰ Intimacy
  • ☰ Spiritual Discipline
  • ☰ Children
  • ☰ Divorce
  • ☰ Time Management

The duration of this Seminar is 3 1/2 days and only 10 -15 couples, both young and old are invited and enrolled to attend each seminar.

Inner Healing Seminar

We are fully aware that the majority of people’s problems, pain, depression, anxiety and addiction are too great to be healed through human efforts and methodology. We know true healing is always from the hand of God. The phrase “inner healing” has been used to the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring deep inward healing. Thus we rely heavily on the presence of Jesus Christ, through the Spirit, to act as the Great Physician. Inner Healing is the healing of the inner person, the spirit and the deep mind. Inner healing is the healing of memories. Inner healing is the healing of the wounds created by the sins of others as well as personal sinful choices. Inner healing is also the releasing of bondages, addictions and compulsive behaviors and substance abuse. Inner healing frees people from pain and releases them from anxiety and depression. Inner healing is God revealing His presence and love to the inner self. Inner healing is God filling the empty desolate places in our lives. Inner healing is also God working deeply in a person to bring forth the true self.

Who can participate?

It’s for everyone who wants to experience the fullness of God given life. And also for those who want to bring the presence God and His healing touch to others around them.

Spiritual Development Seminar

To give more insight into the Word of God, Spiritual Development Seminar was introduced in MUT.

Transforming the Spiritual condition of the participants is the motto of this seminar. It covers topics like How to feel the presence of God, How to live like a traveller/ foreigner in this world etc. Also the participants are led deeply into the real meaning of Salvationand Baptism. Some participants have given feedback as - I have now understood the meaning of salvation. Instead of we meditating the Word of God, letting the Word of God examine our hearts is the highlight of the seminar.

The sessions on Values and Discipleship make the participants examine their life in the light of the Word. The importance of Forgiveness and the practical session following thereof lead the delegates to a new level. Teaching about Money is also included., i.e. Money - God's part and our part, Borrowing of money.

Hence, this seminar is designed in such a way that the delegates get a transformation in their Spiritual life. Many pastors and missionaries from different organizations have benefited from this seminar. This seminar is for two and half a day.

For more information contact:

 Mr. Justus Sathyasingh  +91 8300 159 090