Meeting some of the common unmet needs of missionaries at an affordable cost
Missionary Upholders Trust (MUT) was formed in the year 1993 as an off shoot from Missionary Upholders Family (MUF). The Missionary Upholder Family members associated with exceeding concern with missionaries that helped gain deeper understanding of the difficulties confronted by the organizations they represent, there were still some needs that were unmet during times of need. This impelled the birth of Missionary Upholders Trust.
Vision Statement
As followers of Christ, we exist to care for share with, and meet some of the common unmet needs of missionaries, at their affordable cost, working beyond all man-made boundaries, in a sprit of Christian love.
Mission Statement
Missionary Upholders Trust will strive for meeting some of the common unmet needs of missionaries in the area of health care, bereavement care, crisis care, renewal of emotional and spiritual life, rest and recuperation, social spiritual enhancement of missionary/pastor children and retired missionary care. The purpose of carrying out these activities is to equip, energize and encourage the missionary community to be a witness as salt and light of the society at all times.
Core Belief & Ethos
“God’s work, done by God’s people, in God’s way with God’s money will never lack God’s blessings”.
Love, Understand, Pray, Accept, Serve and Encourage in the spirit of Lord Jesus Christ and meet the physical. spiritual and emotional needs of all the members in the team; this will fulfill God given purpose for self. family and the ministry in MUT”
Member Mission

Focus Area


Our Care Giver

Our Leader

Identifying New Leaders